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Black = <100 articles      Pink = 100 articles         Green = 500 articles          Orange = 1,000 articles       Blue = 2,500 articles
Bronze = 5,000 articles     Silver = 10,000 articles     Gold = 25,000 articles     Platinum = 50,000 articles     Rainbow = 100,000+ articles

Hubstar-orange Chaotiki
Hubstar-black Combat Monsters
Hubstar-pink Dark Sun
Hubstar-orange d20 NPC
Hubstar-silver Duel Masters
Hubstar-silver Dungeons & Dragons
Hubstar-bronze Dungeons & Dragons 4th edition
Hubstar-gold Forgotten Realms
Hubstar-black The Frontier
Hubstar-pink Gateway: Galwyndor

Hubstar-green The Gungan Council
Hubstar-blue GURPS
Hubstar-orange Inheritance
Hubstar-blue Kaijudo
Hubstar-pink Legends of Norrath
Hubstar-black Lexicon
Hubstar-black Lost Heritage
Hubstar-bronze Magic: The Gathering
Hubstar-green Member Wiki
Hubstar-blue Pathfinder

Hubstar-pink Planescape (Russian)
Hubstar-pink The Quelmar Realm
Hubstar-black Risk
Hubstar-orange RPG Museum
Hubstar-blue Tabletop RPGs (Russian)
Hubstar-green Twilight 2000
Hubstar-blue Warhammer 40,000
Hubstar-silver White Wolf
Hubstar-black Worlds of Avantia
Hubstar-rainbow Yu-Gi-Oh!

How to Add Wikis to the List[ | ]

  1. First, enter into Source editing mode on the Wikis subpage of this page.
  2. You should see each Wiki listed in the format:
  3. The first parameter, x, indicates the number of pages on the Wiki ("black" for <100, "pink" for 100-499, "green" for 500-999, "orange" for 1,000-2,499, "blue" for 2,500-4,999, "bronze" for 5,000-9,999, "silver" for 10,000-24,999, "gold" for 25,000-49,999, "platinum" for 50,000-99,999, and "rainbow" for 100,000 and greater).
  4. The second parameter, y, indicates the subdomain name of the Wiki ("finalfantasy" for example).
  5. And the third parameter, z, indicates the subject matter of the Wiki ("Final Fantasy" for example).
  6. Wikis should be listed in alphabetical order by subject matter and ignoring preface words like "the."
  7. NOTE: Once your edit is published, please check the actual Portal that this Wiki List is featured on. Wikis with long names may take up only one line on this Wiki List, but take up two on the Portal. If this happens, please try to even out the columns with that in mind.